Soccer mom….I’ve been called that alot. This year more so. Between Ashley and myself (Alexis) our kids play a bunch of different sports and we almost always have our camera in hand and take tons of pictures at each game. This has given us many opportunities and allowed us to meet a ton of great people over the years. It is natural for us to include sports photography as a huge part of our business. We love it!
Well, my two kids play soccer, all the time, every season, all year long, sometimes on more than one team. This Spring season has been no different, with the exception that our oldest made the JV high school team at Southeast High School. He was one of the 6 freshmen on the team and we weren’t so sure what to expect. The parents were great and welcoming though and helped us figure our way through the season. The JV boys had the best record of the 3 boy teams of 8 -6, and were just really great guys. I took lots of pictures at all the games I could attend and was asked to put together a slideshow for their end of year banquet, which of course I did in true to Alexis form, finishing 5 minutes before we had to be there.
So family, friends, and those just curious….here it is… Enjoy!
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